Body Butter Care

In regards to our body butters melting during shipment is totally normal for body butters due to the make up of the product and it containing no wax.We do take measures to ensure we can prevent a high level of melting during transit. Many customers worry that melting causes a loss of nutrients in our butter. We assure you it doesn’t! Please note even when melted: the weight of the butter HAS NOT CHANGED all that has changed is the volume.
Due to COVID-19 and the nature of the items provided we cannot offer exchanges or refunds. As this item is not defective, Victorious Oil Company (V.O.C.) cannot replace the body butters. Please read below for information in regards to body butters and melting. If you have any additional questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at:
At V.O.C. we classify melting in two different categories — light and heavy.
  • Light melting will make the product extremely soft, but retain its volume. You will notice that the butter is still really high in the container and has maintained most of it's original consistency and general appearance. to rectify this all you have to do is let it cool down and solidify at room temperature and it will be good as new.
  • Heavy melting occurs when the product loses a significant amount of volume and consistency. The butter has not evaporated, but it has become liquid or even partially melted containing little to no density.
V.O.C. butters are slightly whipped. The best way to return a melted butter to it's slightly whipped texture is to re-whip it. Below are the most common options when you have experienced any form of melting.
1. Refrigerate it for 20 to 30 minutes, take a stick blender and whip the mixture for a few minutes to add texture and volume.
2. Use the butter in a liquid state. Some customers just get accustomed to using the liquid butter. However with this option less is definitely more when applying your butters.
3. Refrigerate. This is the most popular option. Just pop the butter in the fridge for an hour or so and let it harden up. The beautiful thing about body butter is that it warms upon contact with the skin. So your body heat will melt the butter as you apply it.